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Partnership approach 2020

The partnership takes guidance and direction from the Scottish Government and aligns itself to 'Go Safe', Scotland's Road Safety Framework to 2020.

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In addition, the partnership will use information and data from mid-term reviews, Scottish Transport statistics publications and analytical figures compiled by Police Scotland. This approach ensures that the priority focus areas are addressed through their inclusion in the Road Safety Partnership Strategic and Annual Tactical Operational Plans and will support partners in working towards the casualty reduction target set for 2020.

  • 40% reduction in fatalities;
  • 55% reduction in serious injuries;
  • 50% reduction in fatal child casualties;
  • 65% reduction in children seriously injured and a
  • 10% reduction in the slight casualty rate.

All of the actions within the plan have been identified by Partnership members, who will retain ownership of them. It is the responsibility of the relevant partners to deliver the actions within agreed timescales. The action with be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time based) where possible, and performance reports will be made back to the Tactical Group on a quarterly basis.

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