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Council Roads Service - Road Safety Heroes

The Council Roads Service 'Network Strategy and Road Safety Team' play an important part in reducing collisions and casualties and making our regions roads safer.

Statutory duty

The Council has a statutory duty under the Road Traffic Act 1988 to prepare and carry out a programme of measures designed to promote road safety and to prevent accidents and collisions.  As a key member of the Dumfries and Galloway Road Safety Partnership, the Council play an active and contributory role in road safety initiatives, events and the implementation of road safety engineering measures, from reduced speed limits and new traffic signs and road markings to the design of junction improvements which incorporate safer active travel road crossing facilities.

Lilianne and Kevin

Lilianne Pool and Kevin Pritchard are Senior Technicians with the 'Network Strategy and Road Safety Team' and work on the annual 'Road Safety' and 'Speed Limits and Traffic Calming' Programmes.  The 'Road Safety Programme' is based on accident investigation and prevention and identifies accident/ collision 'hot-spots' in the region and measures are designed and built to improve road safety at these locations.  The 'Speed Limits and Traffic Calming Programme' has been focusing on the remaining primary schools to receive 20mph speed limits and also the Dumfries town centre 20mph speed limit scheme earlier this year, which has already achieved a mean vehicle speed reduction and encourages active travel for everyday journeys in and around the town centre.

Lilianne and Kevin regularly meet with schools, community groups, farmers, businesses and local residents to discuss road safety issues such as speeding, parking, visibility, road crossings, collisions/ near misses etc.  With over 4,200km of local roads and over 100 schools across the region to manage, they are both passionate and proactive with regards to road safety on our regions network of local roads.  Lilianne and Kevin are part of a larger 'Roads Service' team, from operatives to inspectors and technical staff who all make an important contribution to the overall road safety effort on behalf of the Council.

Lilianne and Kevin Road Safety Heroes

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